Sign up for Monday’s Motivational Message. The theme for the week is shared through Monday’s email and carried throughout the week. Subscribe Loading… Subscribe Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list.
ROUTINE EMOT (Everyday Motivation) 0005 EVERYDAY MOTIVATION MONDAY MOTIVATIONAL MESSAGE We kick the week off with a Monday Motivational Message. This message goes straight to your inbox on Monday. The week’s theme is introduced on Monday and carries on throughout the week. Subscribe to our newsletter to be included. Subscribe Loading… Subscribe Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. PICTURE THIS Picture This is a short video posted on YouTube. MORE
Sign up for Monday’s Motivational Message. The theme for the week is shared through Monday’s email and carried throughout the week. Subscribe Loading… Subscribe Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list.
Hi, I’m Glyndon Greer.
I’m an author, entrepreneur, blogger, YouTuber. . . oh and I’m a Professional Quitter who quit quitting to inspire others when they are ready to quit.
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Daily EF-FORT is all we need
to make today count.