Just Start
The start. We are all at our best at the start. All levels read full on our creative gauges. The starting line is our stage for showing that we are carrying one amazing idea. One amazing un-crafted idea but that’s when it holds the most potential. Energy and excitement are full. Much like standing at the starting line of a marathon. All smiles while visualizing the moment when you cross the finish line. The start is fresh and clean. Zero mistakes made. No obstacles encountered that cause you to reconsider. Zero days missed in the investment of success.
The process. We are closest to quitting during the process. In the middle is where we battle doubt, mistakes, lack of resources and every reason why it’s impossible to finish. This is when the race is won. Here is where the idea takes shape and becomes a real possibility.
The finish. We are all at our most emptied state at the finish. Crossing the finish line carrying one amazing idea. Fully crafted idea. It becomes the trophy. It is the prize honoring all the invested hours. Process complete. Race finished. This developed idea finds a place in the trophy cabinet. Now empty handed reach deep within to hold the new idea and find your place at the starting line. We are all at our best at the start.