Start Where You Are
The lottery was recently at an all-time high. People everywhere wanted in. Including celebrities who were already rich. It was too good to pass up. Everyone was dreaming of life after winning the lottery.
Dreams of how a huge chunk of money could change your life forever were a part of everyones conversations. We start small and continue to spend our imaginary millions. Promises are made of not going overboard, determined to not let riches change who you are. In fact, your new found wealth has made you want to help others. Giving back to those who need it. The thought of taxes starts to pop some of the dream bubbles. We can start a charity to . . .help others and really make a difference.
What happens when you aren’t 1 in 303 million type of lucky? That new house is gone. Paying off your debt in one week is no longer an option. Making a family member’s life easier may be out of the question with a generous gift of money. Start a charity? In need of a charity is more like it.
What kind of change can you still make that doesn’t require money? What do you have that you can give? What can you offer that could make someone’s life better?
You can take Arthur Ashe’s advice.
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
It’s lottery drawing time. Who is the lucky winner that reaps the benefits of your helping kindness?