Why isn’t my blog getting traffic?
What do you do when you work hard on writing a blog post and you’ve poured hours into your site and don’t get the traffic you want? Before you answer give up, let me give you three easy ways to increase traffic to your blog.
How do the “hole in a wall” restaurants get discovered when no one sees them or know they exist? By consistently making the best burger day after day. Their customers want to share with others just how good it is. Word of mouth sharing begins to spread and now there’s a line of customers waiting to discover this hidden gem.
When your blog posts rival the best burger in town word will spread. When it does you need to be prepared by having the next best meal ready to be consumed. This may not earn you a virtual award as the best new blog but it will probably earn a share of your post and that’s just as valuable.
Discovery – the content or the post people are searching for.
This is and probably always will be my biggest weakness. Sacrificing what I want to write about for what people are searching for is hard. I have my own topics and ideas I want to write about. Those topics and ideas may lay hidden for a long time if no one is searching for them.
I love making creative titles or dropping subtle hints or references to something deep inside the blog post. Big mistake. TV writers are obscure with their show titles creating a game of sorts to see if you can find the reference in the show. They’ve worked hard on a script and don’t want to give away too much when it comes to the title. Pudding and a Screen Door, Eight Cats and the Hat Show, and Ocular Fluid and Fighting Robots are show titles for the tv show Mom from season 5.
Creative titles in our blog posts demand creative keyword searches in people’s search bars. Don’t leave it up to a weird late night food combo to find your post. Point them clearly to your post and blog with well-defined titles and summaries.
What are people searching? Give them what they want. Answer the questions that people are asking in the search bars of Google and you’ve just upped your traffic overnight. And when you do write a post that answers the question make sure your title matches so they can find you when they are asking for that information.
If you prefer to write about different topics and have catchy titles that’s fine. Just understand how difficult it will be for people to discover you. Over time once you’ve built your audience they will know where to find you and you can get back to the topics and creative titles you and your audience enjoy most.
Consistency – build the trust of your audience by providing regular content.
What you write and what you create is going to be good enough to build your audience. Make sure you don’t fail to entertain a crowded theater with no new content. One by one they will get tired of waiting and slowly leave the theater. In our case, they will slowly stop visiting our blogs. When we don’t clearly lay out a schedule of posts or don’t post anything new they stop refreshing your site for new content.
Become a part of someone’s daily reading routine by providing fresh new content in an entertaining way. Find a way to motivate and encourage your audience while at the same time being honest with your words. If you can do so you just got bookmarked.
Share your posts – shared posts increase the size of your audience.
I applaud the success stories of how someone grew their small blog into a money-making brand. I read through the success story and find they had content that was discovered. The majority of the time it was by answering one very saturated question and providing answers to topics similar over time. Consistent posts providing their audience a reason to return daily. The audience grew as the stories were shared. Friends sharing the information with friends. In most cases, this leads to one big share by someone with an even bigger audience.
Make your content worthy of a share and increase the size of your audience every time it’s shared. If you don’t have anyone to share this amazing post you’ve written share it yourself. Share it with your social media. Email a link to a friend. Share it because it deserves to be shared and you are proud of it.
There are countless other reasons why your traffic may be lacking on your site. List some of the ones you think might be big reasons in the comment section below so we can discuss in another post. I’ll kick it off with a comment below.
Check this post out for 5 EASY WAYS TO KEEP YOUR BLOG ALIVE
increase those page views: Fancycrave
Comment (1)
Glyndon Greer
June 7, 2018 1:28 pmLack of SEO. Search Engine Optimization in the basic or simple methods will improve web traffic. Even for the posts dedicated to being discovered SEO will help.