Writing Tools
Tools make it possible to get the job done and even improve our work. Having the right tool for the job is important. I wanted to share a few writing tools that I feel would benefit you.
You will notice a theme with these first two. They are both writing tools that will help you develop “daily” writing habits. If you want to write, if you want to become an author or you want to take a hobby you enjoy to the next level practicing daily is the way to go.
Daily Page & 750 Words
Daily Page and 750 Words click to read more about them both.
I’ve written about To Do Lists before and highly recommend Trello. I also believe it serves as a great writing tool. It’s great for several different reasons. Jot down your ideas, plan out your blog posts for the week and stay organized with your current work so you don’t miss anything.
Hemingway App
I’m going to write about the Hemingway App soon. This is a tool I have used to reign in my words and strike my point without missing. It’s a quick and easy tool to use which is important when it comes to writing. I found the more I used it, in the beginning, the fewer corrections I needed after a few weeks.
Scrivener is a paid software you can purchase but it’s a powerful tool. When you’re ready to lay out that book of yours you may want to give this a serious thought. Lay out your chapters, organize your research and share your work easily. You can work in any order you like and you won’t have to worry about jumping around on topic or idea. I’ll have a full write up about Scrivener soon.
let’s write something: rawpixel.com